Script at start/end of SCADA Server


The Script at start/end of SCADA Server is a script that runs once when the SCADA Server is running/shutting down, and it scripts the tasks to be done when the SCADA Server starts or ends.


If you select 'File|Script|At Program Start' or 'File|Script|At Program End' from the main menu, Module Editor, or Reporter Editor in Studio, the Script Editor dialog box will appear, as shown <Figure 1>.


<Figure 1> Example of running the script editor at the start of the SCADA Server.


 Refer to how to use the editor and how to edit a script to write a script at start/end of SCADA Server.


Related Helps)

Excution of SCADA Server

Exit of SCADA Server

How to Use a Script Editor

How to Edit a Script

File Menu of Studio

Type of Script

Excution of Script

Script Main Help